Madness Japan

5 products

5 products
Madness Japan was established in 2002 in Kyoto, Japan.  The brand gained its notoriety and popularity throughout Japan and Europe with its Shiriten Series.  These baits feature a special silicon cover they apply to the outside of their lures that emit a fish catching vibration. Working with Japan’s #1 Big Fish Hunter, Satan Shimada, in 2015 they released the Balam 300 which is now leading the pack in Japan’s swimbait market.
Madness SEPAR 9 Swimbait - #01 White-#03 Smoke Silver-#04 Smoke - Carolina Fishing Tackle LLC
Madness SEPAR 9 Swimbait - #01 White-#03 Smoke Silver-#04 Smoke - Carolina Fishing Tackle LLC
#01 White #03 Smoke Silver #04 Smoke
Madness SEPAR 9 Swimbait
Madness Japan
Sale price $19.99 Regular price $27.99
Madness Japan Balam 245 Swimbait - #20 Laser Wakasagi - Carolina Fishing Tackle LLC
#20 Laser Wakasagi
Madness Japan Balam 245 Swimbait
Madness Japan
Madness Japan Balam 300 Swimbait Spare Tails - #02 Chartreuse-#8 White Cloud - Carolina Fishing Tackle LLC
Madness Japan Balam 300 Swimbait Spare Tails - #02 Chartreuse-#8 White Cloud - Carolina Fishing Tackle LLC
#02 Chartreuse #8 White Cloud
Madness Japan Balam 300 Swimbait Spare Tails
Madness Japan
Madness Japan Balam 245 Swimbait Spare Tails - #03 Smoke-#04 Watermelon-#07 Pink-#08 Clear White-#09 Clear Olive - Carolina Fishing Tackle LLC
Madness Japan Balam 245 Swimbait Spare Tails - #03 Smoke-#04 Watermelon-#07 Pink-#08 Clear White-#09 Clear Olive - Carolina Fishing Tackle LLC
#03 Smoke #04 Watermelon #07 Pink #08 Clear White +1
Madness Japan Balam 245 Swimbait Spare Tails
Madness Japan
Madness Japan Balam 300 Swimbait (Floating) - #09 Black Bass-#11 Mythical Ayu-#12 River Ayu-#13 Satan Black-#14 Matte Chartruse-#15 OOZAKURA (Baby Cherry Blossom)-#16 GM White-#17 Keshin-#19 Laser Ayu - Carolina Fishing Tackle LLC
Madness Japan Balam 300 Swimbait (Floating) - #09 Black Bass-#11 Mythical Ayu-#12 River Ayu-#13 Satan Black-#14 Matte Chartruse-#15 OOZAKURA (Baby Cherry Blossom)-#16 GM White-#17 Keshin-#19 Laser Ayu - Carolina Fishing Tackle LLC
#09 Black Bass #11 Mythical Ayu #12 River Ayu #13 Satan Black +5
Madness Japan Balam 300 Swimbait (Floating)
Madness Japan
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